Here is a link to my CV.
Some links to academic publications
Prisms of the People: Power and Organizing in 21st Century America (with Hahrie Han and Michelle Oyakawa, University of Chicago Press, 2021) Groundbreakers: How Obama's 2.2 Million Volunteers Transformed Campaigning in America (with Hahrie Han, Oxford University Press, 2014)Articles
- Civic Feedbacks: Linking Collective Action, Organizational Strategy, and Influence over Public Policy (with Hahrie Han and Andrea Campbell, Perspectives on Politics, 2022)
- Taxes and Tithes: The Organizational Foundations of Bolsonarismo (International Sociology, 2020)
- Habits of Courage: Reconceptualizing Risk in Social Movement Organizing (with Michelle Oyakawa and Hahrie Han, Journal of Community Psychology, 2020)
- Social Movements in a Global Context (with Breno Bringel,The Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, Stanford University Press, 2020)
- Bringing Leadership Back In (with Marshall Ganz, The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Social Movements, 2019)
- The Untilled Field of Field Campaigns (with Hahrie Han, Perspectives on Politics, 2016)
Public sociology and other writing
- Constituency as an Independent Source of Power with Michelle Oyakawa and Hahrie Han in Social Science Research Council Items, 2021.
- To Learn About the Democratic Party's Future, Look to What Latino Organizers did in Arizona with Hahrie Han in The Washington Post, Monkey Cage, 2021.
- Building Political Bases to Make Multiracial Democracy Work with Doran Schrantz and Michelle Oyakawa in the Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2020.
- The ISAIAH Trash Referendum with Peter Levine for the SNF Agora Case Studies Series, 2020.
- Revoltas Regionais: Direitização Eleitoral no Brasil e nos EUA with Matt Richmond in Horizontes ao Sul, 2020.
- The Life and Death of Brazil's New Republic in The Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies, 2019.
- Reforma Eleitoral: Mudar Tudo Para Não Mudar Nada in NEXO, 2017.